The only free Event & In-Store Demonstration shift platform
Easy and free shifts for
Event companies, agencies and workers

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How it Works

Event companies, In-Store demo companies, brands and retailers post jobs.
Workers apply for the jobs and the job gets awarded
Companies post jobs
Save time and money as a company
by placing your job in front
of workers on CRW
Workers apply for jobs
As a worker you can see
jobs posted by all companies
and apply for them
Job gets completed
The company that posted the job
will select a worker from the applications
to complete the shift
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Growing daily!

Infield Alive has jobs being added daily
join us now to be a part of our network


Once a job is complete the worker can review the company
and the company can review the worker giving total transparency.
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100% FREE

We do not charge anything!
No advertising, no gimmicks, just free!

100% Free!

No gimmicks, just free!
$ 0 / For Life!
Unlimited Job Postings
Unlimited Worker Searches
Unlimited Contacts
Unlimited messages
Unlimited Projects
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How much does it cost?

There is no cost at all, 100% FREE

How do I get started?

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